Clariform 2

Clariform linter & formatter for Clarity revised and updated for Stacks 2.1 and beyond. Project repo:

Grant: US$27K. Target audience: Clarity smart contract developers; Clarity tool developers; sBTC project.

  • Clariform automatically fixes common errors in Clarity contracts. The update will also correct many syntax errors typical in Clarity generated by AI assistants like ChatGPT.

  • There are several issues reported by the community for the initial version of Clariform. They will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in Clariform2.

  • Clariform is used as an essential library dependency in several Clarity development tools, particularly ClarityGPT and ClarityTools. The update will revise the programmer interface for key packages and implement new capabilities for Clarity processing and generation in such development tools.

  • √ A key addition is new formatting modes to improve test coverage for Clarity code in Stacks 2.2, including the Pox2 contract. Coverage is misreported for Clarity by test tooling as they're typically line-oriented while expressions and branches in Clarity can span multiple lines. I will coordinate with the sBTC project Test Infra owner to address their needs for such formatting accommodating testing tools.

Last updated